Ok time for a thread, this time about Toronto restaurant Foodbenders and their “Zionists not welcome” sign and statements. 1/
First of all, Zionism is the Jewish national movement of rebirth and renewal in the land of Israel – the historical birthplace of the Jewish people. That’s it. It’s not support for a specific Israeli government or any actions of that government. 2/
In Canada, there was a comprehensive study of Jews undertaken a couple years ago. The polling indicated that only 8% of Jewish Canadians have no attachment to Israel. 3/
So, do you see how regardless of the INTENT of a statement like “No Zionists Allowed” (although I’m not convinced of good intent based on the restaurant’s social media) the IMPACT is to say only 8% of Jews are welcome in our establishment. 4/
Anyway, I think we’ve been giving these people too much attention, which is clearly what they’re after. But please don’t defend this as just political not antisemitic. It doesn’t help Palestinians & divides Jews & Muslims in Toronto, which we really don’t need more of. 5/
Consider the impact of implicitly banning a marginalized group from a business in Toronto. And if you’re motivated to speak out, please do. It can feel pretty lonely to see our public officials stand by silently as we harken back to the days of “No Jews or Dogs Allowed”. 6/6
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