Estonia’s startup community is actually a good thing to behold. With a population of 1.3m (< Alimosho). $30b GDP and GDP per capital almost 10X that of Nigeria. Unemployment is <5%. Produced 4 unicorns (Startups with valuation > $1b). There’s a lot to learn from the tiny country.
The entire country built around the power of the internet. You can’t get anything done in Estonia without the internet. Bus, taxes, work etc. Estonia has the highest no. of unicorn companies per capita than any other country in the world. Taxify, Skype, Transferwise, and Playtech
How a country so small decided to be deliberate about growth and took althe road less travelled is a great thing to behold. If you want to build for the world, we’re you are building from matters. It’s has important as who you are building for.
“In the mid 90’s, Estonia began a transformation. In the aftermath of Soviet control, it’s relatively young government placed a big bet on what was at the time, a promising looking technology: the Internet. The bet paid off.” You have to be deliberate about these things.
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