From what I can see, there is no solid evidence outlining exactly what role conspiracy theories are playing in test refusal, and to what degree. This is a clumsy stab at provoking a reaction ("omg idiots lol").

Am I missing something? Is this quantified or analysed anywhere?
All of this is going to get turned up to x1000 if a coronavirus vaccine is developed. Probably a good time to get a handle on this.

Also: every outlet than ran fiction about BLM protests and ethnic groups causing coronavirus are also the ones getting most mad about 'conspiracy'
It has been eye-opening to see this whole thing really bring out some cruel , blatantly destructive and counter-productive instincts in people I really thought knew better. I get it from the authoritarian libertarians, but we're meant to be better.
And by commercial / conservative media running a 'omg it's conspiracy theorists!!!' narrative, they're distracting from the fact that the Aus gov't has done far too little to protect vulnerable workers and migrant communities

Don't be a pawn in that game
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