Personal thoughts on Thiago’s (possible) departure:

1. Let’s start for the obvious, he is a class player that will triumph in any team as he walks into any midfield in the world right now.
2. While I would be devastated about him leaving, I would be satisfied to know the board did everything it could and presented a strong offer for him to stay (unlike the Kroos saga years ago). If he wants to leave then so be it, sometimes the heart knows what the heart needs.
3. He would be downgrading no matter where he goes (unless he goes to RM) specially since Bayern is arguably the strongest side itw right now and with Sané’s arrival even more. The best is yet to come with or without him.
4. Gotetzka can’t fill his shoes quite exactly but his recent in form performances should give us all a little bit of calm.
5. Bayern probably will use the money to buy someone else (not necessarily to fill his exact role). Havertz? Ndombele? Partey? Szobolazi or however I’m supposed to write it? All of them are for sale and should come with a discount.
6. Cuisance needs time, he’s not an immediate replacement. With Fein’s arrival a new dinamic in midfield could be established and if Thiago ends up leaving, they will see more minutes surely.
7. He’s 29 already and he hasn’t the best injury track record. Not that it should serve as a comfort stat but still something to keep in mind.
8. He loved the club since the moment he came and he has been kicked out by the media countless times so put some respect to his name and show some love back even if he decides to leave us.
9. This wouldn’t be the first time Bayern lose an important midfielder.

Effenberg, Ballack, Van Bommel, Schweinsteiger, Kroos, Rudy (jk lol). We will bounce back like we always do, no matter if it means giving more minutes to a youngster or looking an answer in the open market.
10. @Thiago6 please sign the contract and see the haters (Bild) sofocante on their lies yet again
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