Bit of a five o'clock Friday farm story.
During lockdown my parents got talking to a bloke in the next door unit a bit, told them they're off a farm and what we do with our @HempHopefield
He was really interested and mum gave him our business card and one of our hand creams.
He really liked the product and got in touch with us via our website 
After several emails to and fro i decided to extend the olive branch in the form of a farm visit if he wished, he jumped at the chance.
Jody asked as she always does if he wanted lunch
and if he had any dietary requirements. Plant based and dairy free, no problems, we cater to anyone. But that really got me excited about him coming to the farm, to have the chance to exchange thoughts, ideas and beliefs, we're from different walks of life.
So pumpkin soup & home made bread for lunch, followed by chocolate cake afterwards. All made free of dairy or animal products and he never even asked to check, he just trusted us. Never break that trust, ever. Respect goes both ways.
We had a bloody great conversation about all
sorts of issues in both food production, acting and many other topics. Of coarse a farm tour ensued and this is when he said he was actually from a farming family in Aussie, Naracoote to be precise. That made it a bit easier as we drove around showing him all in sundry and
explaining how and why we do everything. He is a bloke that is very aware of what food he puts in his body, quite spiritual and a deep thinker. We learnt a lot from each other and as a food producer helped me understand what they look for on a food label.
Jody and I were both stoked he came for a farm visit, to complete strangers who knew very little of.
I guess what I'm trying to say is as food producers we shouldn't be scared to extend the olive branch to those with a completely different way of life or beliefs, to complete
strangers. The more we understand each other, the easier it becomes for both parties as producer and consumer to come together in harmony and for us to share our story to an audience that will listen.
Anyway, he was the nicest, most down to earth good bastard we've met in a while.
His name is Luke Patrick, he's an actor which you may have picked up on and some of you may know better as Frank off Shorty Street.
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