National COVID-19 Hospitalizations bottomed on June 15 and is rising.

An increase of 10,000 in three weeks or 37%. Now at the highest level since late May.


@chrismartenson @ErikSTownsend @MishGEA @EpsilonTheory @ttmygh
National number of COVID-19 Patients in ICUs also bottomed on June 21. Its rise has been much slower (~10%) than hospitalizations (~37%).

But, it is important to note that serious cases (ICU) has stopped declining.

The number of tests has doubled in the last month (bottom panel). But so has the percentage of positive tests (top panel) and the highest since early/mid-May.

So, we are testing more and the number of positives is rising FASTER than the number of overall tests.

So while the number of deaths is declining:

* Cases spiking
* Hospitalizations spiking
* ICU beds rising
* The % of positive has doubled even with a doubling of the total number of tests

Give this chart a couple of weeks, and unfortunately, it should also start to rise.

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