Build an audience

This was the advice I was given when I was starting out. It's stupid advice

We all know we have to build an audience, no one tells you how to do it though.

It's like telling someone who's skinny to "go gym", I knew that ? Tell me what to actually do there...
Building an Audience is a task, I've managed to build one across LinkedIn, Facebook and now my attempt at Twitter

Here's what I've seen the prod do...
Become an authority and have a content wheel

Don't diverge away from that wheel be known for a certain topic trend

Blogs are a great way to begin, share a story about your journey so far

Leverage platforms with organic traffic indie hackers, growth hackers, Reddit or hackernew
Write on trend topics and somehow gear them to your niche

Make it entertaining using gifs, humour whenever you like

Write like you speak. Corporate lingo doesn't work when you're trying to connect
Each post needs to have a net positive effect

"How can I be remembered"

People need to learn something with every post you write

Learn or be enlightened
Use platforms like TikTok and Instagram where they have story features to document so you're not over thinking content

Then create on the very same platform
Everything needs to be repurposed

Don't repeat work

Like they say in coding,DRY or don't do it

Don't Repeat Yourself

Write a tweet storm, make that into a LinkedIn post, convert it into a story and then write a blog about it

Since it's in micro tweets, it'll read well...
Even when you move it to a blog

The goal at all points is to build an asset where you aren't controlled by an algorithm

I.e push your email wherever and whenever possible

Once you start building authority people will be included to subscribe...
Tease them, don't just expect them to convert

Say you go in depth into everything you do in your email

This is a good way for you to analyse if you're writing valuable enough content to begin with
There's enough documentation on how you need to build an email list but easiest way I've see done is to offer a lead magnet

Offer a free eBook, built out a free landing page and share that across every network you've got

Offer the first chapter free...
Point is, stop just virtue Signalling crap advice

"Be active online" is useless advice

Start telling people how to do things, go beyond just too layer info

Stand out
You can follow @veebuv.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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