
You know the Facebook "like" widgets that appear on many web pages outside of Facebook? These allow Facebook to collect tracking data on your clicks on the page.

Facebook introduced the Like button in April 2010. Zuckerberg called it "the most transformative thing we've ever done for the Web." They say it definitely isn't for user tracking.

It’s Complicated: Facebook’s History of Tracking You https://www.propublica.org/article/its-complicated-facebooks-history-of-tracking-you

Remember back in 2008, with the global credit squeeze? Tech companies like Facebook were burning cash and needed funding.

The Russian state funds were laundered through a series of companies and investment vehicles.

Later, Pro-Kremlin fronts spend $150,000 in the lead up to the 2016 presidential campaign on an influence campaign using issue ads targeting specific users using the data Facebook had previously collected.

So here is what I am wondering about.

Could Facebook's wiretapping widget have been originally added in response to a Kremlin request back in 2009?

@wokyleeks @ericgarland @minggao26 @hunterjcullen @jillehughes https://twitter.com/bpettichord/status/1278885744015220738?s=20
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