It needs to be said: comic book creators do not need to meet with editors at bars or at conventions to break into comics. I was Marvel's talent manager for two years. Meeting at parties/bars was never crucial to getting hired. NEVER. Please RT. 1/x
I'm terrified I never broadcast that widely and loudly enough. I've seen far too many Millennial/GenZ creators say that networking at post-con parties and bar events is necessary to break in. Most who recommend this mean well. A few though who push this are predators. 2/x
"BarCon" where comics professionals and those looking to break in mingle at after parties has long been part of the comic convention culture. Fundamental changes are necessary to make these events safe for women and all marginalized genders. 3/x
Yes, editors/scouts and talent get to meet face to face. But what can really be learned? Can they hit a deadline? Can they work with writers? Can they be professional and take constructive feedback? None of these questions get answered at these events. 4/x
Otherwise we'll keep seeing alcohol used as an excuse for those eager to lose control and assault and harass other attendees. Meanwhile predators in full control of what they're doing find a ripe environment for their attacks and stalking. 5/x
We need to immediately stop conflating networking, catching-up with colleagues, and letting off steam IN THE SAME AFTER HOURS EVENTS. These are three separate things. 7/x
I'm not recommending dry after hours parties. That'll never happen. It's unenforceable. What I do recommend is not telling 18-30 year olds they need to attend those parties to break in to comics. That's not correct and it leaves them open to predators. 8/x
Deprioritize the would-be frat parties where predators are lying in wait. Prioritize actual events where talent can safely get to meet and know the people who hire them. Conventions need to sponsor such events as the official networking opportunities. 9/x
There are countless ways for editors to get to know talent, and to trust talent, especially now with so many online platforms. Meeting at a convention and meeting at a bar is very very very low on that list. 10/x
I'll get into more detail on those other means. But for now: if you want to break into comics, deprioritize the after parties. They are not at all worth it for you. 11/x
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