Before I get sauced and do Terrible Poll time, I would like to share my opinion on this.
I've been a stay at home dad for almost four years now. The details aren't necessary, bit I feel it will add a bit of weight to my opinion on this.

He's not wrong.
It's easy being a parent when you can say "yo dude, put on you're adventuring pants, we got shit to do", and off you go. Aquariums, zoos, museums, trampoline parks, that one place with those good-ass chicken tenders and *that* motherfucking strawberry shake." That's easy.
You know what's fucking hard? Having to explain, four months in, why all those things are gone, so instead I'm going to teach you how to jump a six foot fence and use a power drill in the same backyard you've been in this entire time.
When your kid asks you why he can't come with to the store to get his strawberries and you have to try to explain a bunch of bullshit to a kid who is a decade away from comprehending even the basics.
It's not that you don't love them any less, or no longer want the responsibility. And that's not what Elie was saying. He's saying that four straight months of nothing but your house, your yard, the park (maybe), and a walk, will drain the fuck out of you as a parent
There's only so many days of the grind before you say "I could really use a day off." And I don't mean no kids, I mean a day where they're exploring the world and seeing new things. A day when you're not 100% of their energy and attention.
He's doing what every parent does, vent. Did he write it wrong? I think so. Did I write this wrong? I think so. Does he deserve the vitriol and judgement. Fuck. No. Do I? Probably, but that's cause I swear too much and you all know how much of an asshole I am.
The thing is, these last months have been trying on us all. It's been nothing but bullshit and stupidities across the board. So maybe, and this is going to sound crazy, try some empathy instead of piling on a father who is clearly having a tough day
I don't know him, nor his situation, but I understand his sentiment. Just like everyone else right now, we're all a little on edge, frustrated with the current situation.
I know Twitter isn't known for this, but sometimes we can be capable of helping someone out. Sometimes a few small words can make a world of difference.
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