Disabled people are dying and being denied care and all I can think about is how people think my life and the lives of those in my community have no value. They think our quality of life is low because of our disabilities. NO.
If my quality of life is low, it’s because of how people treat me with my disabilities. It’s the doctors telling me there is nothing wrong and then me almost dying because they missed something and instead said it was all in my head.
If my quality of life is low, it’s because my professors telling me they don’t believe I’m disabled or have epilepsy and literally reporting me to the office of disabilities for “lying.”
If my quality of life is low, it’s because multiple students around me have told me my accommodations at school give me an unfair advantage and it’s unfair and my roommate throwing trash on my bed and breaking my stuff because I had accommodations and didn’t deserve to be at BC.
If my quality of life is low, it’s when people are scared to let me participate in activities because they are scared of something happening because of my disabilities and don’t want to deal with that burden.
If my quality of life is low, it’s because I’m scared they’ll be a point in my life I won’t be able to afford the healthcare I need to stay safe and alive because our country values money over people. My symptoms aren’t great but only when I’m not able to manage them.
My disabilities honestly aren’t the part of my life that sucks, what sucks is how people react to me being disabled that sucks. What makes my life have lower quality is the ableism. A Black disabled man in Texas was literally murdered due to medical neglect because...
Doctors decided his quality of life was low and it was better for him to die. That hurts, that hurts so much. That’s what makes me sad at night or makes it harder to participate because you don’t value our lives.
Whether my life has value or quality shouldn’t be determined by anyone but me. We should be maximizing the quality of life for everyone, not participating in eugenics and letting someone die because you didn’t want to bother to help him.
I don’t want to die someday because my life wasn’t valuable in the eyes of an ableist. I want to keep living and have my healthcare and life taken as seriously as ableds.
And ableism + racism go hand in hand, so this impacts the multi-marginalized within the disability community even more. Right now we are trying to make sure Black Lives Matter, that includes Black Disabled Lives. A Black disabled man died cuz of the racism and ableism in medicine
Disabled people have value, Black lives matter, and go fuck yourself if you think anything differently.
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