1) Who is the Cabal? Where did they come from?

You may not have heard of Khazaria, but it was a kingdom which existed between the 7th and 11th centuries AD.

It was located in modern day southern Russia, eastern Ukraine, western Kazakhstan, and Georgia
2) Khazaria was possibly the most powerful trading empire in its time due to its location between Europe, China, the Middle East, and Russia.

It commanded the western portions of the famous Silk Road.
4) Speaking of Moloch, the Khazars sacrificed children to the demon god, Baal.

For me, Moloch, Baal, Lucifer, they're all the same demon just by different names. They all demanded child sacrifice.
5) Consider how Saturn worship is worship of Satan.

Saturn was the father of Jupiter (Zeus) and would eat Jupiter's children depicted below.

Still the same demon. Noticing a theme?
6) It's my belief that modern day abortion is just child sacrifice to this demon on an industrialized scale.

We all know the lies they spew to defend abortion, and how they shriek like the harpy if you defend life.

This evil can only come from one place.
7) By the 11th century, an invading force lead by Russia finally had enough of the black magic, murder, treachery, and child sacrifice.

This army completely wiped Khazaria off the map and it's territories were absorbed into surrounding kingdoms.
8) But those who practiced the dark arts managed to escape to western Europe where they continued to perform child sacrifice to Baal in exchange for giving them the world and all its wealth.
9) In reading the Bloodlines of the Illuminati, which is actually hosted on the CIA website, these powerful families trace their heritage back to Khazaria (p.10)

10) Bearing in mind that the father of Karl Marx, the father of Communism, was himself in the Rothschild family tree, do you think the Bolshevik revolution was a coincidence?

No, it was revenge for Russia destroying Khazaria.
11) Now re-read Russian philosopher Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's description of the Bolsheviks and you'll understand why they hated Russia so much and why committed atrocities that can only be derived from demons.
12) If you haven't done so already, take the time to read @Tommyg's thread on Nesara, which outlines the endgame and total control these Khazarian bloodlines are trying to hold on to. https://twitter.com/TommyG/status/1275255967811338240
13) Considering the most well known Illuminati bloodline is that of House Rothschild, is it any surprise that Mike Rothschild has dedicated his time to "debunking" conspiracy theories, and in this case, Nesara specifically?
14) If you read Tommy's thread, you'll understand why the Rothschilds can never let Nesara become reality.

You'll understand why they fight so fervently to keep it, and you'll know why every lie we've ever come to realize has been orchestrated to keep the wool over our eyes.
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