(1/5) Here's just a thought: if someone you know is struggling, resist the impulse to say "if you need anything, feel free to call me 24/7, even in the middle of the night."

When people are at their lowest, they usually don't want the additional guilt of feeling like a "burden".
(2/5) Many of you have probably had some dark days. Many of you have probably had REALLY dark days. But I bet very few of you have taken up someone's offer of "if you need anything, reach out, any time, 24/7" - probably because you didn't want to inconvenience them. So, try this:
(3/5) If someone is going through a really bad time, I don't say "hey if you want to talk, call me any time, 24/7".

I say "Hey, I'm going to check in every day / every couple days. Even just a quick message, just to check in. Is that okay with you? Is it alright if I do that?"
(4/5) This way, the person who is struggling doesn't have to do anything. They don't even have to respond if they don't want. But they have the option, and they have the control, and they know someone will give them an opportunity to talk - about anything, about nothing.
(5/5) And it doesn't have to be "talking". Are you a good cook? Say "I'd like to drop off a couple of meals this week, is that okay?", or if you're a good landscaper, "I'm going to mow your grass on Thursday, is that okay?".

Just some thoughts.

Love each other, and yourselvesđź’ś
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