Okay so I have one more thing to say about that presentation from yesterday. If you're white and do decide to do a presentation on black culture and demographics (already a bad idea btw) please please PLEASE don't include #blacklivesmatter
as part of our culture.

#BLM is not a "cultural" thing about our community, it is a huge social movement that has been learning and growing over the past 8 years due to the injustices that we as a community face every single day.
Relegating it to being part of our culture, even if you state in your presentation that everyone should be involved, automatically minimizes the work that all of us have done to legitimize this movement and be seen.
Wanting justice is not a "culture". Wanting to be seen as people is not a "culture". There has been no justice for #BreonnaTalyor. Four people have died by police hands since #GeorgeFloyd. FIVE PEOPLE WERE LYNCHED IN THE PAST TWO WEEKS AND IT WAS CONSIDERED SUICIDE?
And you consider the BLM movement to be part of our culture instead of a multiracial, multigenerational shift in our power and justice structure and thought processes who tf do you think you are.