So! Here's the thing about trying to define slang words that have recently come to prominence - your experience and understanding of the word is entirely subjective, and dictated by the social media circles that you move within.

In old speak, you are not down with the kids.
(Note, I'm talking slang words, not words regarding privilege and oppression)

An example - in one circle of my social media feeds, I cringe when I see the word "simp" because it used near exclusively by whiny men that fear and hate women, denying that women are humans.
Therefore anybody perceived to be a man, who is anything other than horrendous to a woman, can only be a "simp".

Because to these men, nobody needs to be kind to an object 🤢

But in a different circle of my social media feeds, the word "simp" is used near exclusively by young women and young queer people, to tease each other and label themselves as an extreme fan of a character or person.

"simp army" "I'm simping!" "oof I simp"

Totally harmless!
Now, the first social media circle there has a wider age range but tends towards toxic masculinity - gaming.

The latter circle has a significant demographic shift, a majority are younger (teens and 20s), a vast majority are women or queer - otome fans (kpop fans are similar).
Someone who is unaware of younger pop culture will assume that the usage of this word is entirely misogynistic and repulsive

despite the fact that amongst younger people it is a badge of honour worn to express queer and women-targeted fandom.
There comes a time my friend, when you, a person who lives on the internet and can communicate solely in memes, will encounter a word that everyone is suddenly using, that you completely missed becoming a thing.

Congratulations and commiserations, you are now an Internet Elder.
But that's okay! It happens.

All you need to do is bear in mind that now you cannot actually be sure what the kids are talking about. You are no longer an expert.

You're just a local now.

But at least we live in a time where old slang becomes usable once more.

Barf me out ✌️
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