As a pastor, I'm not sure Christians are getting how evil and serious gas-lighting is. Thus this thread.

Gas lighting is making someone feel crazy for believing the truth. You've been caught in a lie and rather than confess, you challenge their sanity to confuse them
Gas-lighting enables abuse. When you're in an abusive situation, you need wisdom and discernment to recognize it and get out of it. If the abuser can make you question your sanity and your ability to see things correctly he (or she) can keep you in that abusive situation
Removing you from the truth is an attempt to remove you from Christ, who says, "I am the way, the TRUTH and the life." The truth is that Christ doesn't want you to be abused, but if you don't see what's happening as abusive, you might stay in that abusive situation
It is flat out evil and cruel to make someone think they are crazy for responding in a healthy manner but I hear this all the time: "I feel like I'm going crazy trying to understand/fix this." Attacking someone's sanity to enable and continue abuse is intellectual murder
Gas-lighting is a much bigger evil than it typically gets credit for. Spiritual health is based on the truth. A healthy relationship is based on the truth. Satan, the father of lies, uses gaslighting to kill, steal, and destroy. Gaslighting doesn't just enable abuse; it IS abuse
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