im gonna talk about something that's been bothering me for a while, potential trigger warning for mental health and related topics
i think something I've had to learn, and a lot of other people need to learn too, is the difference between de-stigmatising mental illness and normalising it. it is good for people to be healthily open about mental illness and for it to not be shunned upon
however it's an extremely common theme among teenagers n young adults that I've seen that people almost normalise those unhealthy thought patterns and behaviours
if you want to talk about mental health, do it in a positive space and in a way which people won't pick up unhealthy behaviours. ive seen so many potentially triggering tweets that talk about s/h and negative thoughts that aren't on private accounts
there are so many vunerable people on twitter, there are kids on here who really shouldn't be and the potential of them seeing tweets like that and making those sorts of behaviours seem normal has the potential to do some really big damage
in no way am I saying that people shouldn't be open about their struggles, it's okay to say you're having a hard time but the amount of detail and information that you disclose on a public account is really important
if you find yourself thinking that you might do these kinds of things, please try and make private accounts, and even better if you can try and find support networks and people who are willing to listen to your struggles in dms or face to face rather than posting those publicly
it's much healthier for yourself and other people who use social media to keep some topics in more private settings. if someone tells you that you can talk to them, take them up on that, don't just post on twitter about having a mental breakdown. it's vastly healthier to talk
to someone, and get advice or even just a shoulder to cry on. im sorry if this thread seems ignorant or rude I'm just so tired of seeing very triggering tweets on my tl that have no tw and are on a public account. please keep yourself and others safe.
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