The fusion / FACE MASK combines Cupron antimicrobial material and HEMP BLACKTM / element yarn,these technologies offer a solution to Mask Fatigue and defenseslowing the spread of Covid-19
To understand the importance of copper technology, one must first recognize the importance of fomites and vectors. A vector is an agent or organism that transmits a pathogen, i.e. a virus or bacteria, to a host, i.e. a person. For example, mosquitos are vectors of malaria,
deer ticks are vectors of Lyme disease, and humans are vectors of countless viruses and bacterial infections. Fomites, however, are inanimate objects that can transmit disease. Easy examples of fomites include doorknobs and drinking fountains. The doorknob itself is not a fomite
until someone contaminates it by touching, breathing, or coughing on it. Any object or surface that becomes contaminated with a pathogen is now considered a fomite in that it may serve as a vector, transmitting a pathogen to another host and resulting in a new infection.
A contaminated mask can become a fomite, increasing one’s infection risk when they touch their mask or put it on and off.

Many pathogens, including the novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, can be transmitted by fomites. This is why grocery stores are disinfecting carts between uses,
why you may be decontaminating your packages with disinfectant wipes, and why everyone is sanitizing their hands after touching any surface these days. While we have learned that the coronavirus is transmitted mostly through direct human contact, fomites still serve as a mode of
viral transmission. But different surfaces are more or less susceptible to becoming fomites. For example, a recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine demonstrated that the SARS-CoV-2 is most stable on plastic and stainless steel.
That same study concluded that copper successfully inactivated the new coronavirus. When a surface kills a virus, it is no longer a fomite and therefore not a vector of disease.
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