I value matching up words and deeds—when when people and organizations focus on and strive for the things they say they’re trying to do. 1/
An obvious counterexample of matching words and deeds is dialing a big company on the phone and getting patched through to a recording that says, “Your call is important to us.” 2/
There were many wonderful parts about working at Apple in the Steve Jobs era, but for me, the best was the way Steve repeatedly said the company’s goal was making great products, and how he backed that up that statement by focusing relentlessly on achieving that goal. 3/
This had its good and bad sides—mostly good in my personal experience—and we had the added bonus that were never saddled with the hypocrisy of not trying to make great products when we said that we were. 4/
Products like the iPhone turned out as well as they did because making a great products was what everyone was trying to do. This may sound simple, but it isn’t. That kind of sincere focus is rare. 5/
These days, I’m working everyday to make a simple little word game that will be fun to play. It may not be much, but I can say what I’m trying to accomplish, and it matches up with what I spend all day doing. 6/6
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