1)Mask guidance guidelines at public & community pools. Guidance guidelines “are not legally binding in the same way as rules issued through one of the rule making processes of the Administrative Procedure Act (APA).”-ballotpedia.org. Cont. https://ballotpedia.org/Guidance_(administrative_state)
2)Gov. Cuomo has left it up to the local counties, towns, to figure out their own guidelines. Most, if not all, locales, are requiring everyone above age 2, to wear a mask if you’re not in the pool. This is retarded on several counts. Cont.
3)First, any mask is proven to decrease oxygen intake significantly; rebreathing one’s own carbon dioxide is proven to be dangerous; viruses & bacteria accumulate inside the moist environment of any mask & are inhaled. Plus, masks do not prevent the virus. Cont.
4)To require a child to wear a mask is on the level of child abuse. For children, not enough oxygen leads to respiratory distress: an increase in breathing rate, increased heart rate, skin color changes from pale to bluish to gray; Cont.
5)Grunting: is “the body’s way of trying to keep air in the lungs so they will stay open.” Nose flaring: indicates “a person is having to work harder to breathe.” Sweating: “happens when the breathing rate is very fast.” Cont.
6)Wheezing: indicates air passages are smaller. Changes in alertness: a child acts very tired, indicates respiratory fatigue.-stanfordchildrens.org. Cont.
7)”Low blood oxygen is more common in sick children...& strongly increases children’s risk of death.”-sciencedaily.com.11/1/19. Cont.
8)As for the elderly, it could be anticipated they would be in danger of fainting, falling, falling asleep with a mask on, which could be critical. A hot, sunny day will dehydrate people, & many won’t take off their masks to drink, for fear of being “mask shamed.” Cont.
9) In my own personal condo community, the board is seeking volunteers to spy & report on people to make sure the rules are being followed. If not, fines &/ or suspensions, will result. Cont.
10) Conclusion: In addition to not being an enjoyable experience, going to a public or community pool, it can be detrimental to your health. It would be best either to eliminate the mask requirement for everyone, or don’t bother going to a pool this summer. / Done
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