Humanity is FREE! We are QUANTUM connected!

Is this the missing piece of the puzzle?
QUANTUM. Remember this word. It’s HUGE!

‼️ This is bigger than anyone can imagine‼️
I’ve done some more digging into the relevance of the Title 4 Freedom Flag, why Q may have posted it numerous times, and how this ties into NESARA / GESARA.

Buckle up!
To give a short preface into why this is so huge, let’s backtrack into history for a moment.
In 1999, the USA was facing it’s 3rd and final bankruptcy, when the contract it had with Great Britain was about to expire. The moment that contract ended, the US Constitution, along with the US Bill of Rights, would have dissolved with the contract!
Clinton was the President, and the ‘plan’ was to wait until the contract expired, making the US Constitution and Bill of Rights a memory of the past; and then quietly HAND OVER THE USA to the British Monarchy.
President Roosevelt tried to warn us.
President John F. Kennedy tried to warn us.
President Reagan tried to warn us.
They had it planned for YEARS. They would surrender the USA over to Great Britain, where they would enact the AMERI-EURO dollar and install their NWO upon the entire planet. Humanity would have never recovered. They were merely waiting for the contract to expire.
But their evil plan was foiled!
Two heroic and utterly genius men, had just created a new Quantum Grammar construct, and had been studying the roots of the USA, right down the original ‘lay of the land’, Syntax and authority of the Crown; and inadvertently stumbled across what was about to happen to the USA.
Without wasting any time, Russel-Jay: Gould and David-Wynn: Miller, went to the Pentagon to inquire if anyone had the Patent on the original ‘Title 4 flag’, which was the ONLY flag to be legally entered at the UN.
Nobody had the Patent!
Gould secretly acquired the Patent to the Title 4 flag, and raced to the UN to register the flag, along with his new Quantum Grammar construct; thereby creating a brand new Global Federal Government. The UN then gave Gould sovereignty status.
The moment this happened, it invalidated the authority of the entire evil monarch, right down to the bloodlines! In essence, they have had ZERO control or authority since that day. It’s all been an ILLUSION and complete psy-op since 1999!
For 18 days, America stood open for capture, with NO ONE holding title or control of the Washington D.C Post Office or International Trades.

[They] seemingly ‘forgot’ about this Post Office, and how imperative it actually was.
The 1899 Post Office on Pennsylvania Avenue was the original post office. It held the greatest amount of authority under the Crown, and whomever had tactical command of this Post Office, had full control of ALL trade and commerce in all of North America.
After returning from the UN, on August 12th, 1999, Russel-Jay: Gould stood the Title 4 flag at the original DC Post Office, thereby also activating the ‘new’ Global Federal Government, and essentially taking tactical command of the entire PLANET, including the Global Militaries!
But, because he worked so fast, and didn’t inform the US military to his actions, nobody knew what had happened!

So Clinton and the Cabal continued their power/control scheme on the world, and secretly tried to steal back the flag.
They beat Gould to near death trying to force him to surrender the Freedom Flag. HE REFUSED.

But, because of the authority worldwide he now had, along with specific top secret access codes - they couldn’t actually murder him unless he surrendered! What a HERO!
From that point on, the Cabal went to work to install their NWO plans, while also creating a psy-op upon the world of mass proportions; ensuring nobody would ever find out about what had really just happened with the Title 4 flag, and the USA.
They created “fake” flags and a new private ‘corporation’ to continue running the USA, while meticulously ‘placing’ each NWO US President from then on; utilizing FAKE non-registered flags each time! ILLEGAL.
Through orchestrated events, they conned the population into believing there was a threat to their country. All in an effort to push forward their NWO, and utilize the US military and NATO allies to invade the Middle East to collapse governments and banks that refused their NWO.
US Army: General Wesley Clark, speaks about orders that were given to the US military ten days after the tragic collapse of the Twin Towers on 9/11.
In the 1990s, Harvey Barnard tabled a Bill that would reform the financial system, after seeing the destruction caused to the People by the DS and Federal Reserve system.

That Bill was called NESARA: National Economic Security and Recovery Act
It’s reported that the US military forced Clinton to silently pass NESARA in 2000. Together, NESARA / GESARA ultimately frees every human on Earth from the financial enslavement of the corrupt DS Federal Reserve system and Central Banks.
Did the US military have knowledge by that point of what Russel-Jay: Gould had done only months prior?

Did they know how this Hero had SAVED AMERICA, and the WORLD from it’s impending demise??
It’s safe to assume the US military knew, considering it was George Bush Senior’s own ClA that beat Gould for the surrender of the flag.

The NSA knows and sees all.
Gould, utilizing his expertise in Quantum Grammar, Law and Proper Syntax, re-wrote EVERY Federal contractual law that stands in EVERY COUNTRY; utilizing factual “now time” quantum grammar and proper syntax; meaning in 100 years these laws will still be read as “today”.
Doing so, created a completely new Global Federal Government system for the entire world, that is based solely on TRUTH, using mathematically certifiable grammar.
This included rewriting the US Constitution and the US Bill of Rights to the Now Time: Quantum Grammar construct as well.
Once the “now time” quantum grammar was presented, it made EVERY CURRENT CONTRACT WORLDWIDE invalid because the syntax and grammar used was now considered to be in “grammatical fraud”, illegal and incorrect.
Using correct syntax and quantum grammar means that every document reads the exact same way top to bottom, or bottom to top, creating an evidentiary mathematical fact.
Within the new Quantum Grammar construct, a new elemental chart and periodic table was also formed.

Just like proper syntax, when the elemental chart and periodic table unwinds, it creates a mathematical fact forward and backward, making an infinity.
Where have we seen that before? 🐸

Moving right along.
Russel-Jay: Gould, through his work with Quantum Grammar was called “Genius” by the Department of Energy.

Dept. of Energy holds Q clearance!
Let’s remember who Russel-Jay: Gould is, and the titles he now holds:

Postmaster General of the WORLD, Commander and Chief of the GLOBAL MILITARIES and MANY other titles listed below.
Gould then went on to create a Quantum computer and Quantum financial system that will protect every human on Earth from fraud, while also protecting their financial privacy. It cannot be hacked!
Gould has done numerous interviews speaking about this “highly classified quantum computer” that has not yet been made public.
Yet just recently, Brad Parscale, Campaign Manager for President Trump, did an interview where he spoke of a brand new system that is soon to be activated and made public! A QUANTUM system?
What kind of system would need to be in place to properly activate NESARA / GESARA to ensure it could never be taken back by evil?

A QUANTUM system?
One that cannot be hacked?
When I originally stumbled across this information, I was absolutely blown away that many people, including myself, seemed to not know who these two Heroic men were!
Only days prior, Q had asked for us all to #TakeTheOath of the US constitution, which confused many Patriots that were not US citizens.
Then I found this info about the Title 4 flag that Q had posted numerous times. It was all coming together. Wow, we were all American now? That’s why the oath!

It made sense during my late night dig. 🙃 So in my excitement to share, I posted this thread:
But the more I got digging and putting this all together over the past couple of days, it just didn’t make sense that the entire world would become “American”.

But after connecting many dots, I think I may have found the puzzle piece! 💥
The US Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Everything we’ve been witnessing from President Trump and the QTeam ties into Quantum Grammar, Syntax and Quantum computers that Gould (and likely the QTeam) has put into place, as well as the Constitution!
When Gould presented the world with his new Quantum Grammar system and Global Federal Government, did he also present the entire world with a united Quantum Grammar US Constitution and Bill of Rights??!

Will President Trump soon announce and activate this??
The US Constitution and the Bill of Rights was the ONLY thing standing in the way of [them] installing their tyrannical NWO sooner.

The title 4 Flag STANDS FOR the US constitution and FREEDOM! This flag alone, just saved the world!
How would it affect humanity as a whole if EVERY human on Earth had protections under the US Constitution and Bill of Rights?
If the ENTIRE WORLD is protected by the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, does that ensure and guarantee that this NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN??
Can you imagine the FREEDOM for the planet? Can you imagine the abundance that would be created for EVERY COUNTRY!

From all evidence, it seems as though every human on the planet may soon be protected through the US Constitution and Bill of Rights!

THIS is why we all were asked to take the Oath!

We are all ONE, under the same Constitution! Quantum connected.
I’m still trying to fully wrap my mind around how this will work worldwide as far as Governments, Leaderships, etc. is concerned.

Will we have them still? Will they even be necessary with the QUANTUM changes ahead? Or will this just be all new Laws for each Country?
Was President Trump also given added powers/control under the Global Command?

“Planned years ago”. - Q

What happens if President Trump has the authority to activate the GLOBAL MILITARIES at the same time? KA-BOOOOM! Biblical!
We will have to wait to see if Q confirms any of this, or how this will play out - but their evil, ILLEGAL scheme that has been perpetuated since 2000, is OVER!

It’s clear President Trump and the QTeam are working with Quantum Grammar/Computers, and are working to free humanity.
This is bigger than we can even imagine! We’re watching a movie!
Get ready for the finale to begin!💥🍿
Quantum Grammar changes everything to FACT. Fiction is no longer!

Quantum computers protect every human!

Quantum financial system FREES THE WORLD!
Is the world united under ONE Constitution and Bill of Rights? Is this the missing piece of the puzzle? Are we soon to be QUANTUM connected?
Q posted Gould’s Title 4 Freedom Flag again yesterday and said “This is not a time to be complacent. Will you answer the call?”
President Trump warned us four years ago, and millions of Patriots heard the call. We are now MILLIONS MORE strong, worldwide. We will not fail! Listen again with the knowledge you now have.
Patriots, we are fighting for LIFE! We are fighting for FREEDOM. We are fighting for HUMANITY! We are fighting the Infinite Game.

This has never before been attempted. Be ready! We’re going QUANTUM!

I urge everyone to watch these full videos that explains how the Title 4 flag was saved in detail, and how “Now Time” Quantum Grammar has SAVED THE WORLD.
A special thank you to President Trump and the QTeam for your courage and sacrifice for our freedoms. Humanity has been saved because a small group of Patriots stood up against evil and alerted the rest of us. We stand at the ready with you! THIS ENDS WITH US! GOD WINS! WWG1WGA!
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