I have a voracious appetite for Karen videos. I absolutely love them, and as a cultural phenomenon, we should never stop posting them. Here’s why:
Karens were raised to believe that they are protected, that they are special. They genuinely believe (and not wrongly) that as white, middle-class women, the entire American experiment was designed for their comfort and safety.
Of course, part of the bargain is that Karens had to surrender a great deal of agency to secure their comfort and safety. This is a white-supremacist patriarchy after all, and Karens are only protected to the degree that they are white wives, white mothers, or white daughters.
This bargain with the white-supremacist patriarchy is key to their sense of entitlement. It’s why they’re so angry, and it’s the reason they rush to call the police. (It’s also the fundamental flaw in the first three waves of feminism, but that’s a topic for another thread.)
You see, Karens don’t just call the police. They are a natural extension of the police. They are deputies of state violence who wield entitlement as a badge, and it’s ironic how genuinely they cry “I’m not racist” while being front-facing cogs in the machine of systemic racism.
Thing is, times are changing. Those of us who never got or refused to accept a bargain with the white-supremacist patriarchy are demanding the same comfort and safety from the American experiment, and in the mind of a Karen, that diminishes her special status.
This perceived loss of status has the Karens living in a constant state of fear and anxiety. This was not the world they were promised, and the anger they display on video is secondary to a deep suffering for which they have no coping skills.
I know all of this first hand. I live amongst the Karens. I bear witness to their pain and suffering. Their victim mentality is grounded in existential dread. Without their perceived special status as white wives, white mothers, and white daughters, what’s the point?
Without the entitlement of their white womanhood, Karens feel like their lives are meaningless. After all, why live in a gated community if everyone else can live there too? Heaven isn’t a reward without a Hell filled with souls upon which to gaze down and feel superior.
As someone surrounded by Karens, trust me when I say they are are genuinely miserable people. Their misery is a direct consequence of their selfishness, their small-mindedness, and their shitty belief systems. All of these things are choices.
To the extent that free will exists, being a Karen is a choice. A Karen chooses to be a Karen every damn day, and I want to live in a world where that choice becomes harder and harder.
This is why I absolutely love watching Karens lose their shit. Each new video is our culture building up its immunity against them. Each new hot take about the Karen phenomenon is street-level discourse that is sharpening the edge of fourth wave feminism.
We are collectively done with entitled white women. No, Karen, you may not speak with a manager. Go ahead and call the police. See what happens in a world lived on social media. Oh, and either put on a fucking face mask or we will kick your ass out of our whole fucking society.
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