PSA re. Motorists overtaking cyclists.
I got overtaken on my bike by motorists dozens of times today. 80% of these overtakes were:
Passing too close.
On a blind bend.
On a blind hill.
If you wouldn't overtake a car, you probably shouldn't be overtaking a bike.
This shouldn't need to be spelled out. One specific situation was a long uphill, with double white lines in the middle of the road. These indicate no overtaking, as my 8 year old cousin could tell me. Motorist after motorist overtook me, unsafely, regardless of lines.
I have since looked up the exact rules regarding double white lines. I did not know this, and I can guarantee 100% of those motorists also did not know this.
If a bike, horse, or road maintenance vehicle is going <10mph, you may overtake, safely, provided the road is clear.
If you cannot see the road, then YOU CANNOT DEEM IT CLEAR, making it illegal to overtake.
If I am cycling on the flat, or downhill, I can almost guarantee I am cycling >10mph.
Going up a long hill, I will be going <10mph.
A short hill I might make 10mph.
And well, in summary:
Motorists, please just be considerate when overtaking cyclists!
You're not going as slow as you think you are! There is an excellent thread which I will reference in the next tweet.
Blind bends - DON'T OVERTAKE
Blind hills - DON'T OVERTAKE
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