Epstein became a socially acceptable outlet for all the forbidden political feelings of the left, because rage against "pedos" is safe, but if you explored further or attacked woke liberalism at its root you were still quickly shuffled into the imaginary "Alt-Right" holding tank
For instance, publicly recognizing that "literal nazis" and the entire conception of racism are no longer real but are religious tools generated and used maliciously by the left to protect the status quo of the Democrat Party is still forbidden, as is being against censorship.
Even when Bernie supporters got a fleeting and momentary taste of what it was like to really be on the wrong side of the liberal media apparatus before Bernie bent the knee and lost on purpose yet again, the concept of the literal nazi remained in place
Is racism real? Yes, but not in the way the term has been used for the last ten years. The only thing that matters is that you treat people with kindness and evaluate everyone as an individual. The old values of "colorblindness" worked.
Does racism have anything to do with the false religion of forbidden words, symbols, and media that libs have erected? No. It is magical thinking. Libs, lacking Christian moral structure, put in its place morbid superstitions against blackface and the N word.
It literally doesn't matter if you scream the N word. It doesn't matter if you "culturally appropriate" anything. These are liberal control mechanisms, fake. What matters is knowing the person you are and treating others with dignity and respect.
Is there a vast underground network of white supremacists as depicted in Hollywood movies? No. There are people fed up with being treated evilly and demeaningly by elite liberals, and there are individual cases of racist violence capitalized on by the cynical media.
How can anyone change anything? It's popular to sneer at voting around here, but I'll vote against Democrats for the rest of my life as revenge for the 2010s, even if a galaxy brain online says it does nothing, and you should too.
Beyond that, all change must be cultural and done through art and conversation and personality. No one believes in art anymore, and this is why honest art that conveys truths contrary to lib propaganda must be made, and people must read more widely.
This is not saying either that you must insert evil racist dog whistles or whatever into everything. That also is a superstitious liberal lie, that everyone operates with the intent of hypnotizing others into nazism if they dare tell personal truths.
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