Ok, a few points about opening schools. First, be wary of confirmation bias. If the “open schools plan” was an unpublished manuscript, based on the evidence would you give it a revise and resubmit? (1/6)
Second, *most* researchers are not trained to translate research into policies or interventions. Nor are we trained in risk communication. (2/6)
Third, reassurance now could easily backfire when schools open and outbreaks occur. School employees & caregivers need to know these risks now. (3/6)
Fourth, false reassurance will undermine public health efforts to contain the pandemic later. For example, trust in public health experts and school leaders will be *essential* for future vaccination efforts. (4/6)
Fifth, we *do* have data on inequities in morbidity/mortality. Ethically, we should do more to center the plans around individuals who are at greater risk of infection, illness, & mortality. This would shift the conversation away from those in privileged positions. (5/6)
Finally, educational (& other) inequities among kids are very valid reasons to open schools. But if we legitimately want to address inequities (educational or health) among children, we should take concrete steps to invest in the health of their caregivers. (6/6) 👇
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