Extermination of memes ("units of culture"):
- Parent-Child separation campaign
- Forced Mandarin adoption
- Islam is "discouraged"
- Destroyed mosques
- Artists, professors, intellectuals have been arrested
- Planned tourism invasion in Uyghur regions https://www.wired.com/story/xinjiang-uyghur-culture-tourism/
"While China harvests human organs from its persecuted minorities, Britain is staying silent to protect free trade"

The West (and middle-east) must demand the complete cessation of this genocide - the CCP can't afford to lose so many markets combined.

I'm taking risks saying this & supporting Hong Kong.
You'll see why one day. No doubt the CCP bots will come after me. But working with some businesses does not translate to allegiance to their governments.
So, I will keep exposing these unchallenged basic human rights violations. The more we are collectively aware of the issue, the more we can bring it higher up in our nation's priorities & pressure the CCP to stop this.
A lot of machine learning papers for ethnicity recognition of Uyghurs by Chinese AI engineers in the last few years. An industrial fascist nightmare. https://twitter.com/hardmaru/status/1135377283940700160
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