As requested by @rootfsext2gz - a guide to cat body language, using the best high fashion model in the world. Wills!
1. "Why are you SUCH a disappointment?"

(Ears back, but up - the cat is uncertain, mildly concerned about the situation but not scared. Wide eyes mean he wants to keep an eye on what you're doing. Body is relaxed, but wary. This cat does not want to be approached.)
2. "Madam, whilst your touch is o'er familiar, I shall permit it."

(Ears totally relaxed, eyes shut, head low - this cat is comfortable, trusts you & wants the pets to continue. If the tail begins twitching it's a sign the cat would like petting to stop.)
3. "What fresh hell is this"

(Ears way back, eyes wide, body tense. The cat is concerned there is a threat, is uncertain and unhappy. This cat wants to be left alone.)
4. "I BEG your pardon??"

(Wide eyes, ears down and somewhat towards you - the cat wants to know what you're doing and isn't sure he likes it. Cat could be won over with treats or pets, or could flee the scene.)
5. "Ceaselessly mocked, hounded by creditors. Shall I never know peace?"

(WIDE pupils and ears pointed forwards, the cat is focused on something but his loose body language says he isn't about to pounce - yet.)
6. "Must I thus be left to starve??"

(Wide eyes, ears forward, staring right at you, the cat is insisting he's never been fed before, ever, in his life.)
7. "Mistress, if you please, I have fallen upon embarrassed circumstances and seek a home. I should be e'er so grateful."

(The largest eyes of all time, ears forward, body alert. This is the first time the cat ever saw me and was focused on working out who and what I am)
8. "Madam, UNHAND me"

(Ears back and down, staring eyes, leaning as far away as possible - the cat does NOT want to be held. You need to put him down immediately or lose your hands and/or face.)
9. A gentleman at leisure.

(Cat is asleep on his back, legs akimbo, stomach exposed. The cat feels totally safe and secure, willing to make himself totally vulnerable. Don't startle him awake or try to pet his tummy or you risk losing his trust.)
10. A tragic tale of addiction.

(The cat is playing with a catnip toy - ears back, wide eyes, dragging the toy to his stomach to do the signature feline disembowel kick. You can try playing too but risk getting scratched.)
"What devilish device is this??"

(HUGE pupils, ears way back, cats generally are very unsettled by change and Wills is worried by the new cat flap)
Specifically for @HooiWanV - a collection of magical Wills Bleps
And the occasion Wills phased through time
Finally, a demonstration of peak petting technique
You can follow @Winskillfull.
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