There's nothing more infuriating

Than people getting into your sales page

And then doing nothing.

Is there something wrong with your sales page?

Here's a checklist of 10 things it should include 👇
1/ Pain

- Are you describing the pain of your ideal customer?

- Are you describing how they feel with that pain?

- Are you telling a story about it?
2/ Dream

- Are you stating the mirror image of the pain?

- Are you describing the alternative?

- DO NOT tell them how. Yet.
3/ Fix

- Are you telling them how your product solves the problem?

- Are you giving them options to choose from?

- Are you telling them how they can get it?

- Are you describing your product?

- Are you stating what is included?
4/ Call To Action

- Are you telling them what to do?

- Are you making the button stand out from the rest?
5/ Risk Reversal

- Are you promising not to spam them?

- Are you adding a money-back guarantee?

- Are you telling them you won't share their information?
6/ Social Proof

- Are you adding testimonials?

- Are you sharing case studies?

- Are you showing your reviews?
7/ Objections

- Are you writing a FAQ section?

- Are you addressing any common objections?

- Are you using actual questions from past clients or prospects?
8/ Uniqueness

- Are you stating how you are different from your competitors?

- Are you highlighting your strengths?
9/ Call to Action (Again)

- Are you giving them a second chance to buy?

- Are you telling them what to do?

- Are you making the button stand out from the rest?
10/ Urgency - Scarcity

- Are you telling them how many are available?

- Are you offering a bonus only for the first x buyers?

- Are you stating until when your product will be offered?
Thanks for making it all the way down!

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Inspiration for the thread: "Building The Perfect Sales Page" by Jonathan Stark.
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Have a great day!

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