#MuseumsUnlocked #Healthandmedicine
John Fox Russell VC, MC became associated with the RWF when he was commissioned on 5th December 1913 and he was put in command of H Company of the 6th Battalion. He volunteered for overseas service but instead he continued his medical studies.
In March 1916 he was awarded his diploma and transferred to the Royal Army Medical Corps. Wishing to return to the RWF he arranged for a transfer to the 4th RWF then in Egypt, and having arrived in December 1915, became their Medical Officer.
He saw service in Palestine and took part in the First Battle of Gaza. Captain Russell tended to the wounded under heavy fire and was later awarded the Military Cross (1917). On 6th November 1917, at Tel-el-Khuweilfeh he showed conspicuous bravery in action until he was killed.
Captain Russell repeatedly went out to attend the wounded under fire from snipers and machine-guns, and in many cases, when no other means were at hand, carried them in himself, although almost exhausted. He showed the greatest possible
degree of valour and awarded a VC.
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