Hello friends. Did you know that on June 29, the Supreme Court declined to hear a case that would have prevented the federal government from resuming executions as AG William Barr announced last summer? 🤔
The DOJ made a statement about this in July 2019. It stated that the federal government will execute death row inmates for the first time since 2003 using the drug pentobarbital. It is only used in some states currently.
“Pentobarbital it is commonly used when putting down pets and the drug of choice of many euthanasia patients. The change in protocol also serves to sidestep a long-running court case against the DoJ challenging the three-drug approach.”
Many forms of the death penalty are legal on a state-by-state basis, and lethal injection is the most widely used. It is seen as the quickest and most humane.
Drug manufacturers are however making drugs for lethal injection very difficult to obtain.
There are risks to anything and lethal injection can and has gone wrong. Alternatives are offered.
“In response to increasing drug scarcity and botched-execution rates, some states allow alternative methods of the death penalty such as electrocution and the firing squad.”
Most headlines you see about the death penalty are about fringe activists working to criminalize the death penalty and they are not really succeeding.
But do people really want the death penalty to disappear? Activists work for more humane methods, not to abolish it. Do we want mass murderers, serial rapists, and human trafficking pedophiles to just walk away?
No. In fact human nature dictates that when a crime is committed, people want to see consequences and punishment. You can say you don’t, but you do. We saw Jeffrey Epstein’s madam arrested today. Do you wish her to walk free? I don’t.
From what I have seen from so many, nobody wants her dead until they get the information that needs to be gained about she and Epstein’s activities. So why am@I bringing up the death penalty? I will leave you with this...
If someone took your child, family member, parent, or friend and murdered them, raped them, or put them into a human trafficking or child sex ring, what would be your first reaction? If you live by that gut reaction, that’s where you stand on the death penalty debate.
It’s personal for everyone. I used to not believe in using the death penalty until I saw the evils of this world. The people that have committed those crimes have given all of their victims their own death penalty even if the victim lived and is walking around alive.
Those people have to live with the horror of what happened to them forever. I do hope Ghislaine Maxwell suffers the death penalty, but not at the hands of the Clinton’s. I hope death comes by the silenced voices of the children who deserve justice through her prosecution.
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