But the frustrating thing is, that's our taxpayer money. What needs to happen more than anything is the cops need to radically change their culture, policies, and protocol, which leads them to behave this way.

Yes, Morales must go. Yes, we need to cut the police budget. But it's got to go deeper than that. I propose the following steps:

A. End this department, and start a new one. Hire all new management & officers. The rot is simply too deep. We need 95% turnover within 2 years.

B. Ensure tremendous diversity in new hires. This department needs to be of this community.

C. Transfer every task possible to civilians rather than armed officers. We don't need 4 armed officers to respond to a traffic accident.

C2. We can have the equivalent of Warrant Officers investigate crime. Traffic accidents should be investigated by trained investigators, not patrol officers. Violent crime can have dedicated detectives. Armed response should be limited to absolutely necessary circumstances.

D. Create transparency into police training, assignments, etc. I know y'all think criminals will just take advantage. But right now the *culture* of policing and this bullshit macho attitude too many of them roll with needs to be addressed, and sunlight is an answer.

E. Create a new structure for Mayoral and Common Council oversight that replaces the FPC. It must be more accountable, more transparent, and easier to provide public input.

This is just one person's additional input. ComForce and others have important proposals to move the ball forward. And it's not just about police. Racism undergirds our entire economy and social infrastructure.


We need a society that values everyone, and that values everyone's work. I think guaranteed income/an income floor is an important step we must consider. We need to increase the minimum wage so all work is valued.


We need to especially recognize the burden our society puts on caregivers, especially poor moms of color. We need to fix our democracy and make sure every human being in America has access to quality healthcare.

We need to desegregate our *society* not just our schools. We need to confront the very existence of small suburbs that were created and built on a foundation of white supremacy.

We need to insist on ending the very idea of "moving somewhere for the schools."

This is going to be tough. The struggle won't be completed in my lifetime, and this touches on just a few of the things we need to do.

But let's go.

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