Predictions of the effects of automation vary widely.

Some say 10% of jobs in the US could be effected, some go nearly to 50%.

50% unemployment would be disastrous under our current system.
So basically you have two options:

Make automation illegal or reimagine the role of the citizen in the economy.
We live in a capitalist society and it has LOADS of issues but most lawmakers don't want that to change.

Under capitalism workers are also "consumers" a vague "class" which exists to buy products. Not like food and stuff, luxury products like smart phones & makeup & videogames.
So when automation comes around suddenly your workers aren't necessary to generate value for a company but at the same time, they don't have jobs anymore and thus can't buy all your shit.


Universal housing and UBI.
Now universal housing would be great because it would mean an end to homelessness by there would still be issues to look out for, minimum square footage per person requirements could end up discriminatory to disabled people and fat people.
Universal Basic Income would be big though. UBI without Universal housing just means that the landlords will jack up prices. They have to go together.

Basically the government turns the people from generators of value due to work to generators of value due to buying.
Every non-automated job still exists and they get paid in addition to the UBI but retail workers like me?

Our new job would be to stimulate the economy by purchasing things.

50% of people's jobs would be "buy cool shit you couldn't afford before."
Now I'm not an economist. Maybe my predictions are wrong, my ideas flawed.

But the way I see it is this: the billionaires want to keep their billions. Under a violent communist revolution, they won't.

Under the system I described above? They likely would.
And let's be 100% honest here. If my healthcare and housing was free for me, and then I got paid to buy cool tech and shit?

I probably wouldn't care about billionaires as much. Especially if they're not exploiting workers due to large scale automation.
I'm not saying that's the best model. But I do feel it's better than what we have now but more importantly, I think it might be one that actually happens.
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