I’m going to start a thread of my concerns about school reopening here since I have more of a voice on TWITTER than in the SCHOOL SYSTEM as a TEACHER. 🙃
If you’re a teacher & want me to add your concerns, DM me.
1. If we did a hybrid model, where some students are in the classroom and others are online, am I supposed to clone myself to teach both at once? Am I getting paid double my salary?

2. If we are in person and students need personal supplies, do I need to pay for those (again)?
3. If we’re online and teachers/students don’t have access to technology or internet, what do we do?

4. How would kids switch from class to class? Do I need to lug all my materials over to them?

5. What happens when someone at school gets sick? Shut down again?
6. If we group kids into cohorts where they stay together all day, how do my SPED kids who mainstream get included?

7. If you’re holding meetings about school reopening virtually, doesn’t that say something about the safety of reopening??

8. Does society care about us?? At all?
9. How can we ensure IEPs/504s are being met if we’re online?

10. Wtf is going on
11. If, heaven forbid, I got COVID and died, would my spouse get my retirement?

12. What happens when a student forgets or breaks their mask?

13. Who is doing the temperature checking?

14. If we have to be outside, what about those with health issues like Lupus?
15. Are we getting paid for the extra prep it takes to teach online?...

16. ... What about for rearranging our classroom/materials?
17. We’re supposed to keep doors closed incase of intruders. What if our classrooms don’t have ventilation?

18. What if we don’t have hot water/sinks in the classrooms to wash hands?
19. How will substitute teaching work?

20. If all classes need to be outside, is PE cut?

21. Are all prep periods cut??

22. If we cohort kids, is this by level? Does this remove their choice for electives?
23. If my daughter’s class shuts down for two weeks due to a COVID positive, what do I do with her? I can’t exactly bring her to school with me, and I don’t have tons of sick leave left myself.
24. if kids are staying all day in our rooms and have to eat lunch in our rooms, when do we get a bathroom break? if kids are in pods and I have to rotate to them, when will I have time to use the bathroom? When and where will I have time to prep labs if I no longer have a room?
25. How will schools handle parents who tell their kids not to wear masks, because “they’re dangerous to your health” or “they’re how the government identifies people who are easy to control” (both are actual things people posted in a local mom’s group)?
26. Will schools hold the line on masks, or will they allow the mask-refusing kids to attend anyway with some BS exemption (the way some states do with vaccinations)?
27. If we're teaching digitally, why are we being forced to come on campus every day to do so?
28. Is the school/district going to pay for the extra buses needed for away games...since...you know...social distancing?
29. If one, just one, person tests positive in a school, does that mean the WHOLE school closes for 2 weeks?
30. If a teacher gets sick or exposed and has to stay home, how will a sub be able to just step in? Would we teach remotely from home and if the students are still in school, who will monitor them?
31. Could all of the money being spent to prepare our schools for reopening be better spent improving our online experience until we get a vaccine and can just reopen in our traditional manor?
32. If we do hybrid learning, how is pacing managed? My experience w/ online instruction is that it moves much faster than face to face. Classroom management/behavior issues will be magnified when the online group races ahead & teachers essentially have to follow 2 curriculums
33. How in holy hell does this even work with high school? Do the teachers rotate through classrooms or the students? Also, I have ESOL kids that struggle with the English language without a mask on, how am I gonna teach them pronunciation with one on?
34. What does PE look like in middle schools and high schools? Locker rooms and changing? What about the sharing of equipment? Who is responsible for disinfecting the equipment?
35. If (when??) I get sick from teaching on ground, will I inevitably run into unpaid sick leave? Who will pay my medical bills from getting sick at the job that required me to be on ground?
36. I teach part time and I’m concerned that schedule changes in the hybrid model will make it impossible to supplement my income with another part time job
37. What if teacher has preexisting condition? Will they still be required to work? What about if they have family members in their home with conditions?
38. How does high school work when everyone takes different level classes and electives?
39. If there are no Clorox wipes now, what will schools use to clean? And what happens when the school runs out?
40. Some districts don’t allow Clorox/Lysol... how will they ensure rooms are kept clean?
41. Will they be removing the communal coffee pot from the teachers lounge?
42. What about getting hazard pay? Who is going to provide masks to students from low income families or families who refuse to buy masks? What about recess & playground equipment and how will that be shared/sanitized? How will be possible to decrease class size enough for space?
43. If masks are mandated for children in stores, malls, restaurants in a state why would they not be mandated in schools?
44. How can we allow such a large discrepancy between guidelines amongst states???
45. If we close each time someone tests positive, then we come back and someone else tests positive? Sounds like trying to drive while someone else keeps hitting your brakes for you.
46. We have to work in class with 15 kids who never leave, we do. We have no conference period to get things prepared for the next day, I can't set up the 40% of labs we must do each week, we get no duty free lunch, we will be working so many more hours trying to prep, etc.
47. We also have to teach kids remotely who refuse to log on until 9 at night or later, who have to babysit and help siblings with school, how do we help them? Working 24 hours a day? We don't get paid for the hours we put in now. Teacher burnout will be high.
48. If I am asymptomatic but still required to quarantine because of possible exposure, do I lose my accumulated sick days?
49. And it would be really hard to even get subs? Who wants to make barely above minimum wage and work with random different kids every day? Subs should get paid more or have a few subs on teacher salary and have them come in every day. Avoid random subs in the building too.
50. We’ve already been buying our own classroom disinfectant cleaning products and tissues (the school provided tissues are so rough that kids noses are raw and open to bacterial infections)
So now what? We need to buy our OWN PPE and kids’ masks??
51. How often will school members get tested? Athletes get tested 2x a week...
52. Can we use a canned online curriculum to teach f2f that will be avaliable for students to use independently from home to stay in synch with the pace of class?
53. How do teachers with kids navigate this?? What if they have different schedules?
54. Can the supply chain accommodate the massive amounts of PPE, such as masks, that school districts are going to require?

Stolen from here: http://gscschools.org/gsc/Announceme 
55. Not to mention logistics of getting kids in the building, how they will group, move, eat. How they'll be monitored physically and educationally the list can go on forever.
56. What will happen to specials, like art?
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