Don't care who you are. If you're a part of this community and you genuinely care about other smashers, congrats, you're in the club. Now more than ever and we have to stick together. With so many people ready to call it quits, we need to remind people what this community can do.
@truerRyuga Thank you for being so vocal during this time. Mad respect, can't have stupid beefs with anyone over stuff so pointless when absolutely vile shit has infested our community. Keep being a great leader, your state and the scene needs you. We need to be one.
@iamrickles you're one of the greatest TOs and influences I've met. When Chicago went through a panic you stepped up, and I know you're the perfect person to make sure Chicago stays one and doesn't give up hope on a community that's been great for so many.
@JeffPBLK You're poured so much time into Indiana, so many hours of work that seems like it maybe wasn't rewarded. You've done so much to make my time at Indiana feel like being wrapped in a giant ass blanket. Any scene, any community would be blessed to have you.
@GucciMalloochee We just tallrd about how anxious we were about tourneys returning. I'm anxious now more than ever, but your personality calms people. You make them feel like anywhere is home, and that at least one person is on their side. Keep reaching out, you change people.
@JohannVonVorst You're an idiot fool and memorable and caring in every way. More geese, more ducks, more Samus. Keep being goofy, we all need it.
@CadencePika Kentucky, Ohio, you can be fucking Wyoming, who gives a shit. So much drama that ruined a genuine friendship. I'm sorry. Don't know why I acted like an idiot, but I'm glad it hasn't diminished your love for Cincy. AL might be a cage of piranhas, but it's beautiful.
@AbsoLmao you helped me understand the game and gave me access to the community. I think about when your Doc stood in place and grabbed me over and over again for running up and shielding LMAO. I think about that moment when I try to help people at my own weekly. Thank you.
@ProfessorTimbo seeing newer people be so active is so inspiring. I worry about if I ever get tired of running tourneys what will happen to the scene. What happens if I need to move away, you give me confidence that I can always find new people to care about the community I love.
@Official_BSG Jeremy you took a seed in rocky ground and transformed it into something beautiful people can all enjoy all while 16 year olds yelled at you for petty bullshit. Thank you for not letting your passion die. Thank you for caring about your attendees
I'm sorry if I don't mention you, I'm just kinda spitballing all of this
@Wrexcalibur Next big event you host I'm there. You traveled hundreds of miles to come to our events to make them all the better. You're so welcoming and caring, I know you're a reasonable TO I can come to for advice and counsel. Keep being strong, you're a reminder of care.
@TheFromundaman Shitty bitch grand finals

Thank you for being so wise. Thank you for having such great compassion. Thank you for being my friend, and always being excited to see me.
@soggymuffin_ @jeretavius you all are the stupidest mother fuckers ever. I'd love to be locked in the quarantine house with you guys. Thanks for being so outspoken about literally everything in the past 4 months. Keep being positive lights, we all need them
@QCSRaiser I never expected to see someone enter the scene and bring with them a tsunami of foreign, exciting energy. Driving to hazard I thought, why am I going to this 30 person tourney 3 hours away, because there's someone down here who's ready to spark everything.
@wahMarsh You don't give a fuck in just the right way. It's exactly what Cincy has to have to rule that mass of personality. I'm so proud of you, Cincy's leadership has switched all over the place but everyone knows you're a dependable person striving to help.
@TreTrevoTrevon @Philly_Edwardo Louisville scene wouldn't be the same without your all's fucking wacko energy. Every tournament you all are at together feels like a fucking party, it's impossible not to smile and be happy when y'all are around.
I'm gonna take a break for a bit. Don't know how long I've been doing this, but there's so many more people who deserve the appreciation
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