the closures of bars, indoor dining and museums in LA reflect what we now know about covid-19: it's much more likely to be transmitted indoors than outdoors

people aren't supposed to gather for July 4. but if you're planning to anyway, meet outside, masked and 6-feet away
LA officials say they're working on guidance on safe socializing, because they know folks are meeting up anyway and want them to be safe. LA isn't quite there yet, but some Bay Area counties have already released their guidance and provided these tips:
if you're going to meet up with people:
--stay outside, except to use the bathroom
--everyone should bring their own food
--provide hand sanitizer
--if anyone is sick, even the slightest bit, make them stay home
--wear masks when not eating
each person you interact with from outside your household increases your risk. the SF health department recommends no more than 12 people at an outdoor gathering. that limit drops to 6 if there's food or drink (presumably because there will be less masking)
you have to be exposed to a certain amount of the coronavirus to fall ill from it. we don't yet know what that amount is, but in general, it's better to spend less time with people to reduce exposure. SF health officials recommend a 2-hour limit on gatherings
officials also recommend trying to see the same people. some counties have adopted a "social bubble" strategy, which is a group of 12 people that you socialize with. everyone in that group only sees those people, basically expanding your "household" in a careful way
I will emphasize that gathering is still not recommended!! recent outbreaks in LA & Sacramento have been linked to parties. and this is an important weekend in terms of flattening the rapidly rising curve in LA and other California counties
if you do attend a gathering, watch out for covid symptoms after. if someone from your gathering gets sick, you should quarantine for 14 days if you spent more than 10 minutes within 6 feet of that person while they were not wearing a mask
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