Uncoding Rwanda National Budget 2020-2021 (Part I)

Rwanda National Total Budget for 2020 to 2021 financial year is estimated to be $3.42961 billion.

You can imagine how small our economy is compared to other countries. Technically we're still financially a poor country.
Rwanda National Budget Source of Revenues:
$1.7 billion from domestic taxes
$0.6 billion from non-tax revenue, external grants
$0.9billion from loans.
The total budget expenses account 40% of developmental projects.

This means 4 pies out of 10 will be spent on developmental government projects which have been proven for years by the office of the auditor's general, to part of large public embezzlement of funds.
Budget Comparison to the previous year:

The budget has had an increase compared to the previous financial year 2019-2020 of $3.18 billion to $3.42 billion of 2020-2021.
Budget expenses:

Recurrent expenditure of $1.67 billion which accounts 49%.

Development budget of $1.37 billion which accounts 40%.

Net lending of $0.32 billion which accounts 9%.
In Part II, I will dive deeper on every aspect with personal inputs and comments while also waiting for your comments as well.
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