Apple has backed down and approved our update.

We're happy that this issue has been resolved, though we fear there may have been a different result had we not made their rejection public. Other developers might have simply complied with Apple's initial decision. 1/7
The app review process is deeply flawed and counterproductive.

First and foremost, the reviewers are notoriously inconsistent. At the same time that our Yoga app was rejected, our Barre app was approved despite having the exact same trial that Apple claimed was a violation. 2/7
Reviewing every update, even for mature apps with good reviews, primarily slows down the process for releasing bug fixes and other important changes.

Even without a surprise rejection, waiting for the review means that every update is delayed by at least 24 hours. 3/7
Reviewing apps as part of the update process also makes it easy for developers to cheat and sneak in violations.

Most apps communicate with a backend server which makes it trivial to change the app's content and functionality only after an update has been approved. 4/7
Apple should stop reviewing every update and instead review apps periodically, at random times, or in response to user complaints.

This will make it (1) harder for developers to sneak in violations (2) remove the delay for releasing updates and (3) require fewer reviews. 5/7
This is a simple fix that can increase the effectiveness of Apple's enforcement, while also removing many negative effects on developers and users.

The frequent and inconsistent rejections are bad for the entire ecosystem and Apple should try hard to fix this process. 6/7
None of this addresses the guidelines themselves, which are often anti-competitive or otherwise bad for users.

We'll leave that for another day 😉. 7/7
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