Advice I've found myself giving students about attending virtual #acl2020nlp over the last couple of days:
1. If you're feeling shy about attending the Q&A sessions (don't know before entering if it will be just you & the authors), attend ACL with a buddy and attend sessions together.
2. Conversely, quiet Q&A sessions can be fantastic networking opportunities. Students considering applying to PhD programs (eg) should look for authors from programs they are interested in and bring some questions to their sessions.
3. If you plan to be at the conference, plan to be at the conference & don't fool yourself into thinking you can also do all the other things just because you are home. (Cancel meetings, set the email auto-responder...)
4. Likewise, consider shifting your timezone (if that would help). I've put myself on an extra early schedule so I can go for a run before the (7am for me) plenaries.
That's what I've got so far. Other ideas?
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