Joseph Smith: 🇺🇸

“I am the greatest advocate of the Constituiton of the United States there is on the earth.”

“The Constitution of the United States is a glorious standard; it is founded in the wisdom of God. It is a heavenly banner.”
Brigham Young: 🇺🇸

“[The Constituiton] was dictated by the invisible operations of the Almighty.”
Joseph F Smith: 🇺🇸

“I hope with all my soul that the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will be loyal in their very hearts & souls, to the principles of the Constituiton of our country.”
Heber J Grant: 🇺🇸

“I counsel you, I urge you, I plead with you, never, so far as you have voice or influence, permit any departure from the principles of government on which this nation was founded, or any disregard of the freedoms which, by the inspiration of God our Father,
were written into the Constitution of the United States.”
David O McKay: 🇺🇸

“Next to being one in worshiping God there is nothing in this world upon which this Church should be more united than in upholding & defending the Constitution of the United States.”
Spencer W Kimball: 🇺🇸

“The Mormon people....are intensely loyal to its [🇺🇸] Constituiton and desire in every way to promote the God-given freedoms it was designed to protect. They have had experience w/the tragedy that results when those freedoms are not protected, but this
only feeds their determination to do all within their power to protect these freedoms, both for themselves and others everywhere.”
Ezra T Benson: 🇺🇸

“I am grateful that the God of heaven saw fit to put his stamp of approval upon the Constitution and to indicate that it had come into being through wise men whom he raised up unto this very purpose.”
James Madison: 🇺🇸

“It is impossible for men of pious reflection not to perceive in [the Constituiton] a finger of that Almighty hand which has been so frequently and signally extended to our relief in the critical stages of the revolution.”
Benjamin Franklin: 🇺🇸

“I agree to this Constituiton with all its faults, if they are such;...I doubt too whether any other Convention...may be able to make a better Constituiton. For when you assemble a number of men to have the advantage of their joint wisdom, you inevitably
assemble w/those men all their prejudices, their passions, their errors of opinion, their local interests & their selfish views. From such an Assembly can a perfect production be expected? It therefore astonishes me, Sir, approaching so near to perfection as it does; & I think
it will astonish our enemies.”
William Pitt 1759-1806 British Prime Minister: 🇺🇸

“The American Constituiton will be the wonder and admiration of all future generations, and the model of all future constitutions.”
William E Gladstone 1809-1898 British Prime Minister: 🇺🇸

“The American Constituiton is the most wonderful work ever struck off at a given time by the brain and purpose of man.”
Sir John A Macdonald (first Prime Minister of Canada):🇺🇸

“I think and believe that [the US Constituiton] is one of the most skillful works which human intelligence ever created; [it] is one of the most perfect organizations that ever governed a free people.”
Sir Henry Maine (English jurist & governmental historian) 1822-1888:🇺🇸

“The Constituiton of the United States of America is much the most important political instrument of modern times.”
Albert P Blaustein (Rutgers):🇺🇸

“The United States Constituiton is the nation’s most important export. It was meant to be; it has been since even before its promulgation; and it continues to be. It could not help but be...
Ezra T Benson: 🇺🇸

“Every Latter-day Saint should love the inspired Constitution of the United States—a nation w/a spiritual foundation & a prophetic history—which the Lord has declared to be his base of operations in these latter days.”

(The Constituiton - A Glorious Standard)
ETB continued: 🇺🇸

“The framers of the Constituiton were men raised up by God to establish this foundation of our government, for so the Lord declared by revelation in these words:
‘I established the Constituiton of this land, by the hands of wise men whom I raised up unto this very purpose, and redeemed the land by the shedding of blood.’
Doctrine & Covenants 101:80
J Reuben Clark Jr: 🇺🇸

“They [the founders] were not backwoodsmen from far-off frontiers, not one of them...There has not been another such group of men in all [the 200 years of our history] that even challenges the supremacy of this group.”
Wilford Woodruff: 🇺🇸

[The founders] “were the best spirits the God of heaven could find on the face of the earth. They were choice spirits...”
J Reuben Clark: 🇺🇸

“These were the horse & buggy days as they have been called in derision; these were men who traveled in the horsedrawn buggies & on horseback; but these men carried under their hats as they rode...on their horses, a political wisdom garnered from the ages.”
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