I’m going to share an experience I just had in red-pilling people, all because I refuse to wear a mask. There are MANY reasons not to wear a mask, but a big one is so you can red pill. How is anyone going to take you seriously, if you aren’t bold?
I’ve had an appointment to get a long overdue haircut, and showed up to my appointment mask-less, and the stylists & other patrons were wearing there’s. When my stylist called me over, I sat down, she paused & asked, “Do you want me to wear my mask?” 2/
I responded with, “It’s up to you, but I’d prefer you didn’t, because you don’t need it and you seem miserable.” She let out a big sigh of relief & ripped it off her face. She then timidly commented, “I don’t really think this is necessary.” 3/
I’m never one to waste a red pill moment, so I proceeded to explain medical statistics & data to show ‘why this isn’t necessary’. I always find common ground, leading with facts & data, instead of leading w/politics. That’s when it took off. 4/
The stylists & other patrons started to feel more comfortable with voicing their questions. They had all been internally questioning the narrative & were afraid to question or voice their observations. They didn’t want to come off as crazy, or a..5/
..”conspiracy theorist”. So I would patiently listen & then follow up with facts. You could see the dots connecting in their minds & sense the relief they felt in knowing that they weren’t alone. They had all sensed this was over the Nov. election...6/
...and the economy. Then they brought up BLM. I told them how much money BLM had raised & then I asked them to guess where over 90% of it ended up. When I told them “Joe Biden’s campaign”, they became outraged. Then even more things they had..7/
...been seeing & feeling started to click for them. I got questions about Epstein, the Clinton’s, Hollywood, voter fraud, pedophilia & more. When I left the salon, I had many new phone numbers of strangers who wanted me to send them Joe M’s videos..8/
...and the Out of Shadows Documentary. People are noticing & questioning every single day, but they are too afraid to speak up & look for validation. That’s where WE come in. We’ve done the research. We know the facts. THIS is our job. We are an army..9/
...and we are at war. I don’t know about you, but my battle gear doesn’t include a mask. Because I choose to make a stand, not wear a mask and use my voice, I’m able to red pill those who are hungry for the truth. They want it. We need to..10/
...lead by example. We’ve talked the talk, now we have to walk the walk. Be bold, not complacent. We have truth & God on our side. They are waking up, but need validation & it’s our job to give it to them. And one last thought..11/
Think about who they will go on to red pill, and pass the truths along to. Your words & actions will have a ripple effect that should not be underestimated. BE BOLD.
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