Objective is an interesting idea word. I have learned in media no one is truly objective. For example no matter how I try, as a Jamaican, I am always going to start on any topic from the perspective of someone from a small island. @ShelleySinghAuD @Sse_beingBlack 1/ https://twitter.com/sse_beingblack/status/1278706194450911232
What I end up looking for are the entities and persons who seemed to recognize their biases & they attempt to lessen their biases. So with that I definitely do not see NPR as objective, but I see the spectrum. @ShelleySinghAuD @Sse_beingBlack 2/
So interestingly PBS in my opinion is more centered in the presentations than say NPR although both entities are governed by the same body. @ShelleySinghAuD @Sse_beingBlack
CSPAN also seems to be much more centered, that is also probably because they try to stay away from any commentaries. @ShelleySinghAuD @Sse_beingBlack
A media house that seems to hold to a strong attempt at objectivity is Al-Jazeera as long as the topic is not on the Middle East and more specifically Qatar. Their coverage of the west is thorough and with a desire for all info to be present @ShelleySinghAuD @Sse_beingBlack 5/
I have also seen specific journalists who are on media outlets that are biased in their platform also attempt to be objective. You have to really weigh all presentations on a case by case basis. I try to consume various media versions @ShelleySinghAuD @Sse_beingBlack 6/
By consuming the different platforms, I find the information that is closer to the truth will always rise to the top. Also if there are stories that are geographic in nature (where the event happened), I try to get the media in that area @ShelleySinghAuD @Sse_beingBlack
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