Must-read story from Adam here below. Next-gen versions of NBA 2K21 will be $10 more than current-gen versions.

I personally believe an increase in the price of games makes sense but I think a game with so many microtransactions doing it first is not a great look.
To expand, games absolutely need to be more expensive. Ideally, the price of games goes up, developers get more time to work on games because there’s more money, and less crunch happens. Maybe fill the pockets of the non-execs with that extra money too.
Buttttttt a microtransaction-heavy game being the first to jump the price is not a great look.

Imagine is Cyberpunk 2077 was like, “our game will be $70.” We’d all be like oh yeah, that totally makes sense. I’d pay $100 or more for that game tbh.
A $70 game trying to get even more money out of my pocket with microtransactions though...just feels a little slimier than the Cyberpunk 2077 example.

Idk, this was just me posting my initial thoughts. I’m sure as next-gen looms closer & we learn more, my thoughts will change.
What are your thoughts? How do we feel about this specific price increase? How do we feel about video game price increases in general?
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