Want to know the real origins of #BlackLivesMatter ?

Buckle up.
This might get bumpy.

In July of 2013, the "group" is founded and the hashtag starts to trend on Twitter after George Zimmerman, a Hispanic man, shoots Trayvon Martin in Florida.
Imediately the narrative becomes
"white man shoots black choir boy for eating skittles" which everyone with a brain knows is bullshit.
They fall off for a bit because founding your group on a hoax didn't score many points back then as it does now.
Fast forward to July of 2014. The Bundy ranch standoff is the
culmination of an ongoing 30 year dispute with the Bureau of Land Management or BLM for short.
People from all over the country flocked to the ranch to protect the family and their livestock from a heavy handed, militaristic response on the part of BLM.
Turns out somebody made a
deal to lease that federal property to a Chinese firm to build a solar farm but I digress.
The government had a public relations nightmare on their hands.
So what to do about it?
They call their good buddies at Google and say "we need help swaying public opinion".
Luckily for them, Michael Brown was just about to be preaching on a street corner with his hands in the air praising the heavens when he was gunned down by an evil white cop.
Google leaps into action, adjusts the algorithm, and BLM no longer references the Bureau of Land
Management any more. All you get are Black Lives Matter results and the "hands up, don't shoot" lie effectively burying the Bundy story.
The best part of this happy little accident is you can pull out your hate group every time you need a distraction.
Chinese spies in
congressional offices?
Somebody find me a dead black guy.
Election projections not looking so good?
We need a racist white cop, STAT!
Of course it doesn't matter if the cop is Hispanic or Asian...Just so long as he looks white enough.
Billions in stimulus money sent to your
friends and donors?
We're gonna need a "racist", a black professor, and a couple Bud Lights for a photo op.
Pallets of cash in Iran?
Let's kill some of those "racist" cops in Texas.
Every single time the news cycle is about to rip the democrats a new asshole, they pull another
violent criminal into the spotlight and turn him into a fucking saint.
And every single time, 70% of this country falls for it.
Right now, BLM consists of a self ascribed Marxist, a bunch of scrawny ass white kids who like to break shit, and maybe a few hundred black guys who
steal shit after the white kids break the windows for them.
This is social discourse?
This is supposed to be the face of black rights in this country?
This is a scam!
It's a grift and anyone who supports it or donates to it is a special kind of fool.
There is no organization.
There is no charity.
There isn't even a 501c status.
Every dime sent to these con artists gets funneled back to the DNC to pay for the campaigns of the same politicians who set the policy in the same cities with the highest incidence of black on black crime, poverty, and police
brutality. And they are laughing their asses off at you because they got you to believe it was about color again.
If "institutionalized racism" exists, why are all the institutions telling you it does?
Not only that, they're forcing it down your throat at every opportunity.
In reality, the only color these people care about is green.
And they're taking that money in hand over fist while you argue over what's "racist" this week.

We've already done cartoons, movies, syrup, rice, statistics, history, math, chicken sandwiches, all white people,
any ethnicity that disagrees with democrats, and Taco Bell.

What's left?

If everything is "racist", then literally nothing is racist.

You've created a boogeyman that the world has outgrown. That monster under the bed disappeared when the lights came on.
Your overuse of the word has rendered it powerless. It has no meaning anymore.

We see your scam for what it is and we reject it.

It's time to dismantle the democrat party and prosecute these insurrectionists.

Those of you with a shred of sanity remaining can start a new party.
Those of you who ascribe to this shit need to wake up.

Woke and awake are mutually exclusive concepts.

One is about pandering for power and control while the other is about enlightenment and understanding.

Stop being a woke fool.
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