I had a long thread about schools reopening and who’s to blame for the crappy situation we’re facing this fall (hint: it’s NOT the schools or educators. Please stop treating teachers like the enemy bc this is not their damn fault) but twitter insists on eating my drafts so 🤷🏻‍♀️
Teaching is like being a lead actor in a new play every day for 6+ hours, while also the playwright, set-designer, therapist, data manager, nurse, etc. Our country has MAJOR childcare issues, but teachers are not to blame for them, especially in the midst of a pandemic.
Parents are stressed. I know. Teachers (many also parents) are terrified and when they say it's NOT possible to fully open schools while observing COVID safety precautions, they are being honest, not stubborn.

We could have paid ppl and had a true lockdown, but we blew it.
If we funded schools better, shifting money from stuff like, oh, I dunno, police budgets? maybe we'd have the flexibility now to hire more people, expand spaces for safe distancing, etc, but we don't even provide enough damn glue sticks to get teachers through September so...
Be mad. That we never have and still aren't providing resources and funding to make schools safe and equitable. Push government to prioritize schools over bars when it comes to re-opening. Stop blaming underfunded schools facing huge budget cuts for not having magical solutions.
In March, there was a brief moment when we, collectively, realized how incredible teachers are, how much they do for society.

Now the tide has turned. (Like it always does)

Educators want schools to re-open, too, but safety is their top priority. Always. As it should be.
School districts are telling teachers to shut up and deal or resign when we need MORE educators, not fewer.

Budgets are being slashed when we desperately need more space, resources, cleaning supplies, air filters, etc.
Have you BEEN in a room with 25 5 yr olds? Bc I have. When teachers say, "I cannot control germ spread under these conditions" they MEAN IT. I spent my first 3 years in the classroom constantly sick. CONSTANTLY.

Classrooms are small. Ventilation can be terrible. Kids are gross.
I am NOT saying give up on school this fall (because I'll sob if I do) but PLEASE don't expect schools to save us from the childcare nightmare under current conditions.

We need big picture innovation ASAP. And until then, WEAR YOUR DAMN MASK so we can slow this runaway train
Huh. Guess I had a thread in me after all. (The original one was more tactful.)

Anyway. Fund schools. Support educators. Build your village and brainstorm creative childcare solutions, bc this is gonna take a real team effort. There are no silver bullets. Sorry.
Final note: Every teacher I know has imagined and prepared themselves to jump in front of a bullet for your child.

It’s horrific, but that’s part of the job these days.

They aren’t selfish.

They’re asking for safe working conditions, which don’t currently exist.
Final note part 2: I’m not even on team “just go virtual” bc virtual learning is simply not how young children are meant to learn and I am deeply stressed about the toll it’s taking on kids. I simply don’t know what the solution is.
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