With #BurnBryte's release next week (July 7th!!!) I am thinking a lot about how people often say want to learn a new #TTRPG but have a hard time doing so. Let's talk about that!

Learning any new game takes free time and, often but not always, cash, and not everyone has both.
Also, not everyone WANTS to learn a new game. That's totally cool. It's your free time. You get to choose what you do with it. That said, if you have one #TTRPG you like, odds are you will like another! Heck you might even find a new favorite to introduce your group to.
This thread is for folx who WANT to learn new games and embrace more of what the hobby has to offer. I'm not trying to shame you into learning more games. If you're more of a one-game kind of person and know that about yourself, we're cool and I want to play that game with you.
A lot of us are able to preorder and read the new hotness, #DnD or otherwise, the week it drops. We spend time chatting about it on Twitter, Facebook groups, in forums, etc. Some folks even spend time writing supplemental products about the latest hot release.
Often these new books that get the buzz are 250+ pages. Good news! A lot of TTRPGs core rulebooks, even some rather rules-heavy ones, are this size or smaller. If you're able to fit the new hotness into your schedule, you can probably fit another RPG you've wanted to try!
I have very little free time, but learning new games is important for my job and my hobby, so I often find ways to multitask. Mine is to read new games on my 40-year-old stairmaster. It's how I read and reread 700 pages of ZWEIHÄNDER goodness. Some might do it on a commute.
Granted, READING is a really hard thing to do while multitasking, and not every inherits an old exercise machine. You can often find podcasts and other actual plays that you can listen to while you do chores, drive, etc. that also explain the rules of a new game.
A lot of games use similar systems. If you learn the basics of a FATE, PbtA, Cypher, etc. game, you'll have an easier time learning others that use the same engine. It's worth diving into a system to unlock a whole library of games you can pickup quickly.
If money is your biggest barrier, a lot of games put out free versions or SRDs you can check out. Sometimes your local library carries RPG rulebooks! Of course, if you can afford the game and help support the creator's work, please do so.
You can also learn new games with your group. Everyone picks a new game they want to play, then you rotate through GMing one shots for a month or so (or over a fun weekend). You read and teach one new game, but learn a bunch of others too. Pool those party resources!
There are lots of awesome games out there. The creators would love for you to give them a shot. I know I am one of many folks feeling that way. Creators, drop your #TTRPG below to help folx looking for a new game find something to try. Here's mine: https://burnbryte.com/ 
You can follow @JamesIntrocaso.
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