Watch what they do, not what they say.

If you want to get better at Twitter I can’t think of a more focused example than @tom_hirst.

There’s no surprise this thread took off.

But why does his Twitter work so well?

A thread.
Tom follows a few first principles that have guarenteed his success.

1. Consistency
2. Focused topic
3. Genuine
4. Brilliant content
5. Interaction

A result of this has meant he’s added about 4000 followers in 6 months.

I’ve followed Tom for a while, even before he started taking Twitter seriously. When he start posting consistenly I instantly noticed a difference in the quality of his tweets.

When he started using @hypefury I noticed something had changed.
Consistency pt 2

He became consistent, tweeting every day. As he tweeted more, his content got better and more focused.

He used daily content production to test ideas, try out thoughts and work out what resonated.
Focused topic

Tom talks about freelancing. Most tweets he writes mentions the word “freelancer” or “freelancing”.

This allows him to write about ANY topic but specific to one industry. He has his content filter.

Tom doesn’t hide behind an avatar or a faceless brand. Both of those tactics can work, but his account is all the better that it’s a real person. He can build a personality and sell his mentorship program as well as his freelancing services.
Genuine pt 2

The rule I follow for anon vs person is this: if you’re selling yourself (freelancing or service products) you need to be visible. Tom gets this right,
Brilliant content

3 pillars to this

1. Tom writes clear and focused advice.
2. He shares more than you’d expect.
3. He shares a surprising amount of quality content and it’s all free.
Brilliant content pt 2

Bear in mind that all of these points above come from just being consistent. You might not get to Tom’s level as quickly as he has, but the simple act of turning up every day and writing tweets will eventually lead to all 3 pillars.

This part is REALLY important. Tom interacts with key people in his niche regularly.

People like @WellPaidGeek, @elyktrix and @catalinmpit. He’s genuine with them. He’s human.

He’s making friends and building a network.
Interaction pt 2

As you share more and more, that network expands. They become more familiar with your work. You become more familar with them.

They begin to like and share your content. You create a flywheel.
Follow these tips like @tom_hirst and you’ll undoubtedly build a Twitter that people love.

Understand it won’t be quick progress, but it’ll be progress.
I’m going to do these threads around once a week. I MIGHT even make a video out of it if there’s appetite.

I’m always watching.

P.S. if you enjoyed this thread I’ve got a bunch of other content and marketing threads.
You can follow @craigburgess.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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