First, the daycare/after school/ tutoring/ etc economy has enough room for the kids who needed care in February, all things being equal. Same with adult day care. 1/
However, things are not equal. The demand for care, as we return to work, will greatly outstrip existing supply. COVID has cut down spots available and also forced some caregivers out of business. So, much less supply and much more demand. 2/
Since we can’t magically increase supply, we must manage demand—unless we want the economy to come to an even more grinding halt than it has. More caregivers at home (out of the workforce) means less production. This should be simple to understand. 3/
There is another missing convo, that professionals whose career and training focus on caregiving or teaching or special education are better at this than untrained people, especially when those people are focused on other tasks at home, and we’re not discussing that enough. 4/
Any parent or caregiver who homeschools does a huge amount of work to support their kids. Anyone who tried it this spring understands that. Presuming non-teachers can just take over demeans all parties in this situation. 5/
End result, we face economic contraction now AND going forward, as these workers try to get back into the workforce. Many won’t be able to come back. Those who do will have missed prime career years for professional and salary growth. 6/
Younger workers who have come of age in recession and shrinking opportunity and wage growth won’t recover. They can’t. This will impact their entire generations. 7/
So what to do? If you are in a leadership position and your firm can afford it, I strongly urge you to evaluate or implement flexible schedules and work arrangements. Set firm times for responsiveness and DO NOT punish employees when they’re not available outside those hours. 8/
(CW: kids and poop. One of my boys once pooped barely digested blueberries during bath IN THE TUB as I was prepping him so I could take a conference call undisturbed. Not our best hour). 9/
Back to work! Prepare now for the oncoming school tsunami. How flexible can you be long term? How many hours can someone flex? How much can you afford them to cut back and preserve their benefits? 10/
And prepare for front line workers who will need or want to transition to other jobs so they can handle their families too. Don’t let white collar myopia blind is to the needs of the entire workforce. 11/
Tldr; an epic storm is coming for our families this fall, and we as leaders must be ready to support them through. I’ll step up and I hope you can, too. 12/12
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