#ThrowbackThursday Starting a thread on some of the Best English TV Series i saw in the 80's and 90's on DD, the Baap of all TV Channels in India. Starting with Johnny Soko And His Flying Robot a Childhood favorite about a Boy who had a watch controlled Flying Robot #FlyingRobot
Project UFO was about a team of 2 USAF Officials Maj. Jake Gatlin and Staff Sgt. Harry Fitz. who set off on a mission across the USA to investigate UFO sightings and find out the truth behind them. A good predecessor to the X Files this was based on Project Blue Book #ProjectUFO
Target was a British Police Action Drama series featuring the famous character Det. Supt. Steve Hackett, who with his sharp wits and quick action would almost tackle every criminal and bring him down. This was also quite popular for its theme music #Target #Hackett #DD #TV
The Old Fox (Der Alte) was a German crime drama series and dubbed in English. It depicts the crime solving activities of four police detectives led by Chief Inspector Erwin Köster. The show had quirky plots where he craftily led the criminal into his own trap. #OldFox #DerAlte
The I love Lucy Show starring Lucille Ball was an American Light hearted comedy TV series centering on Lucy Ricardo and her singer/bandleader husband Ricky Ricardo along with their best friends and landlord in New York. Definitely gave us some hilarious moments on TV #LucyShow
Shoestring was a British detective fiction drama series, set in an unnamed city in the West of England and filmed in Bristol, featuring the down-at-heel private detective Eddie Shoestring (Trevor Eve), who presented his own show on Radio West, a local radio station. #Shoestring
The first introduction to Science Fiction for any Indian would certainly be Star Trek with the unforgettable Capt Kirk and Mr Spock with his Vulcan style hand salute. We have all wanted Scotty to beam us up sometime in life !! #StarTrek To boldly go where no man has gone before !
Diff'rent Strokes was a lighthearted American family comedy TV series featuring 2 Black kids Arnold and Willis Jackson adopted by White Phillip Drummond and his daughter Kimberly. Their 3 Housekeepers also played interesting parts in the series. #DifferentStrokes #Comedy #TV
One popular TV series for most motorcycle fans was indeed Street Hawk where ex Cop Jesse Mach along with Norman Tuttle operate this Attack Motorcycle to tackle Crime in the USA. This bike zipping at 300 mph with Hyperthrust was the best feature besides Guns & Rockets #StreetHawk
My love for Astronomy and Outer Space definitely stemmed from the works of Carl Sagan and this TV series was one major trigger for interest into planets and galaxies. I am sure many a kid would have looked up at the night sky differently after seeing this TV series. #Cosmos #TV
Although there have been many actors depicting the legendary Sherlock Holmes, my personal favorite was Jeremy Brett playing the razor sharp Holmes in the TV series The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. This TV series was the first AV introduction to Holmes for many of Us. #Holmes
A popular 80's TV series featuring a Car was the Knight Rider. The show starred David Hasselhoff as Michael Knight, a high-tech modern crime fighter assisted by KITT, an advanced artificially intelligent, self-aware and nearly indestructible car. #KnightRider #KITT #TV
Airwolf was an American action military drama TV series that ran in the late 80's. The program centers on a high-technology military helicopter, code named #Airwolf, and its crew as they undertake various exotic missions, many involving espionage, with a Cold War theme. #TV #TBT
The Living Planet: A Portrait of the Earth was a BBC nature documentary series written and presented by David Attenborough, and was very popular even on Indian TV. Not just kids but even the adults were delighted to watch spectacular wildlife across the globe. #LivingPlanet
Secrets of The Sea followed the amazing adventures of deep sea diver and explorer Jacques-Yves Cousteau and his ship, the Calypso which was an old American decommissioned Minesweeper. This TV series brought to us fascinating sights and sounds from the Oceans #SecretsOfTheSea
The Peculiar Life Story of Friedrich, Baron von der Trenck was a German TV series based on the life of Friedrich von der Trenck, a Prussian officer, adventurer, and author. It ran for 6 episodes and was aired late at Night on Doordarshan. #VonDerTrenck #TV #ThrowbackThursday
Yes Minister was a political satire British sitcom and depicted in a funny way how British politics worked during those days especially Cabinet Minister Jim Hacker's various struggles to formulate and enact policy or effect departmental changes. #YesMinister #TV #Satire
Jeremy Brett again enthralled us with his performance as Holmes in yet another series of stories and case studies in The Return of Sherlock Holmes #SherlockHolmes #JeremyBrett
Not as popular or impressive as the earlier series on Holmes, yet The Hound Of Baskervilles mini series was quite a popular one with Tom Baker playing the role of Holmes in this legendary crime thriller story. #TheHoundOfBaskervilles
Making us laugh without using any words but just extremely expressive faces and slapstick comedy was done by the German dubber TV series Didi's comedy Show. The show is based partly on Didi's comedic antics, many of which would be impossible in real life. #DidisComedyShow
Not just cricket fans but even people who were interested in period drama loved this series on the famous English Cricket team Captain Douglas Jardine and his famous strategy on bowling "Bodyline". This series also highlighted various aspects of Brit-Aussie politics #Bodyline
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