“Crypto” (not in the traditional sense) is codename for Crapto.

It’s just the current financial system run by a set of nerds no different to Mark Zuckerberg who think “they know better” than the central bankers & politicians.

It’s jumping from the frying pan into the fire 👇🏽
2/ It’s the same high time preference bullshit masquerading as “fairer & more equitable” but built on the same fraudulent principles of racing to an unknown end with a blindfold on - and operated by a new set of “rulers”.
3/ Bitcoin changes the base incentives of society. THAT is the revolution & how the world will change.

Taking the same incentives & values currently prevalent & using them on a network run by nerds is NOT INNOVATION.

It’s a distraction at best, and a scam in most cases

Shitcoins = fake stonks & fools gold

ICO = ponzi schemes & vapourware securities designed to rob u

DeFi = extra-fragile derivative scheme that puts the CDO fiasco of the 2008 GFC to shame

What’s the common thread?

They’re all high time preference Ponzi Schemes

Don’t be fooled, and don’t give them “room”.

Crypto is a lie, as is every altcoin & “blockchain” project our there.

At least in the current system, I know who my enemy is - whereas with crypto they use the bitcoin narrative to sell u the same existing pile of shit.
6/ Hold the centre.

With bitcoin we’re changing the world & we’re clear about our motives.

Economic Darwinism & personal preservation will drive the rest of the world here - and history will remember those who stayed true, authentic and lived the principles.

You can follow @AleksSvetski.
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