Key points from my Keynote on Racism in Gerontology: A thread @britgerontology @BristolUni
1. Don't repeat old research that positions minorities as inferior
2. Western concepts don't map onto other groups
3. Stop using images of minorities on reports to virtue signal
BAME* Researchers:
1. Recognise the invisible labour
2. We are not given the opportunity to transfer our cultural capital into social capital as White academics keep harvesting it as intellectual capital
3. Acknow. the impact of racism-we are gaslighted, our work gets stolen etc
Educational Gerontology:
1. Lack of critical engagement with evidence and lit.
2. Racist tropes pathologising minorities still taught
3. So many Aging and Sociology courses still don't engage w race and/or have BAME staff. Plan and evidence how you are decolonising the curriculum
Community and Policy:
1. STOP using 'hard to reach', no one is hard to reach. You are lazy and/or racist.
2. You have to engage with the community if you want the community to engage with you
3. Work with the community to set the agenda for research
1. *BAME is a lazy trope that all of us, inc. me, need to move on from
2. I used data to show the same recommendations about minority elders have been made for at least the last 40 years
3. White researchers to lazy to engage w communities instead cite racist tropes
1. Communities are open and willing to engage
2. If you engage you will be rewarded with amazing data and make fabulous friends
3. You do not have to be an ethnic insider to be invited in as @winding_snake @carolinelane_ and others show everyday
Thank you!❤️
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